
My Labor Preparation

Time Flies…It’s October already ^^
It's Me and my Tummy

I’m 38 weeks pregnant now, and I’m gonna be in labor any day now. I’m very excited, it’s my second child, my first child is a boy and now I’m having a girl. I’ve already prepared everything for my postpartum period, and I’m gonna shared it with you.

It's Like 8 Different kinds of corset, and a bucket of misc. postpartum bodycare.

This is what's inside the bucket (I'm gonna review it in another post later)
I’m not this prepared with my first postpartum period, but I’m regretting it, so with my second time I’m gonna be fully prepared. I’m preparing a lot of bodycare, so that my tummy, thighs ,arms and everything else will recovered just like before I’m pregnant. Not only bodycare, I also preparing a lot of different  type and brand of corset, so that I’ll know which one is the best. And of course I’m gonna share it with you later.

I bought a lot of clarins bodycare, because I heard a lot of rave about this brand for postpartum recovery.  I’ve tried their pregnancy bodycare, and I’m very satisfied with the result, no stretchmark until now, so I believe their postpartum recovery bodycare will also give me a good result, let’s hope so J

For asian, postpartum period is not that simple, a lot of rules and tradition that you have to follow. Based on my asian (Chinese) culture, for 30 days after you’re giving birth, you’re not allowed to go outside the house, or  doing any chores.You’re supposed to rest and eat and eat. Yes, a lot of eating, with Chinese recipe for postpartum period. For examples, you have to drink a postpartum tea everytime you want to drink, water is forbidden. And chicken herb is a must in every meal.

Can you imagine you have to go through it for 30 days, no wonder I had baby blues in my first postpartum period. Well, I can tolerate the food and drinks, but for being home for 30 straight day is a real torture for me. But, well I guess I just have to do it once again J.   

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